Wednesday, March 30, 2005

It begins...

Everyone has to have a blog, or so the wisdom goes. The wisdom also says that peace can be had in our time, but I don't know about that. What I've got, a spin doctor can't cure.

Wait for it folks, I'm sure he's got one more...

Starting a blog at this point feels like getting on the magic bus after the acid-laced OJ has already been passed around.

There you go. I told you. Just be glad there wasn't a haiku. Now the introductions. Sigh.

I'm Rostock Rose, a writer of sorts in Calgary, Alberta. I work at a local college as an advisor for graduates, helping them in their job search, while I search desperately for something better for myself. On the side I write plays for a theatre company I co-founded (Hidden Insanity Theatre!), dabble very occasionally in journalism, and plug away on my novel in spare hours of the evening.

In short, he's too chicken to risk failing as a writer, so he dabbles.

Married with two cats. Sad about the world. Not really doing anything about it.

I'm going to stop him now. For all our sakes. Come back if you dare.