Wednesday, January 07, 2009

101 in 1001

So Lady Rose and I are doing the 101 in 1001 thing.  If you haven't heard of it look it up.  In any case, here are some goals I am going to try to achieve in the next 1001 days.  I'll update as appropriate.

1.                  read three Shakespeare plays that I haven’t read or seen before

2.                  fix the furnace humidifier and maintain the filter

3.                  complete edits on my novel

4.                  comment in writing to the manager on good retail service three times

5.                  floss every day for three months

6.                  weigh 235 pounds

7.                  learn and memorize a seven song piano set

8.                  go to bed and get up at the same time every day for a month

9.                  paint / stain the deck

10.              pay twenty five cents from allowance for each plastic bag I accept and donate the proceeds to an environmental organization

11.              go on five new hikes

12.              make a new friend

13.              get a shower timer

14.              finish discussing my novel with Dad

15.              take at most five-minute showers for one month

16.              clear all twenty-seven books from by “to read” shelf before adding any more

17.              have meals with five interesting people I’ve never dined with before

18.              go to a hockey game

19.              use transit for a non-work trip three times

20.              get to work on time using transit three times

21.              go to an improv night

22.              write a first draft of a new novel

23.              respond to all personal emails within 24 hours for three months

24.              create a house-number feature for the front yard

25.              go for lunch with a coworker, once a month for six months

26.              paint three paintings

27.              spend a day in three Alberta towns

28.              discuss plays with Dad, once per reading or production he attends

29.              pick up garbage in my community or public parks five times

30.              find out my blood type

31.              memorize five stanzas from the Tao Te Ching that speak to me

32.              go to a modern dance show

33.              go to the Winnipeg Fringe

34.              build shoe-shelves in front entryway

35.              email three out-of-town friends at least once per quarter for a year

36.              leave no clothes on the floor for a month

37.              read a philosophy book

38.              send birthday cards to twelve extended family members that live in other cities

39.              go to a community association meeting

40.              join a writing group

41.              talk with Dad about his poetry writing

42.              fix lip at top of basement stairs

43.              walk to the video store three times

44.              weigh 220 pounds

45.              write five ten-minute plays

46.              go to a poetry slam

47.              put up a drying line

48.              meditate for 30 minutes twice a week for three months

49.              get a good headshot taken

50.              swim in a naturally occurring body of water

51.              read three Folio Society books

52.              update my blog weekly

53.              go to a baseball game

54.              update my facebook weekly

55.              visit five art galleries in Calgary

56.              walk to the grocery store three times

57.              go to Vancouver just to visit family and friends (not wedding or seasonal)

58.              install railing on front steps

59.              join a federal political party

60.              go to a riding association meeting

61.              find three new bands that I like

62.              put in a better mailbox

63.              score three goals in a soccer season

64.              go to the orchestra

65.              play with the cats at least ten minutes a day for a month

66.              direct a play

67.              go to the Edmonton Fringe

68.              go for dinner with my parents once per month for six months

69.              write two one-act plays

70.              set up home office space in basement

71.              read a book by Dickens

72.              join a theatre group

73.              sort out comics

74.              make lamps out of three unusual things

75.              work out three times a week for three months

76.              clean my desk at work by end of day Friday every week for 10 weeks

77.              build storage shelves in garage

78.              go to the opera

79.              write a new full length play

80.              watch the entire Xena: Warrior Princess series

81.              phone my sister three times with no occasion

82.              learn basic French

83.              read “How to Fix Everything”

84.              take three steps to make the house more energy or water efficient

85.              write a new piece for piano

86.              go without speaking for 48 hours

87.              watch the Godfather parts I and II

88.              go berry picking

89.              write another new full length play

90.              install a rain barrel

91.              read FFWD every week for three months

92.              attend a rally in support of a cause

93.              coordinate gaming events at least once a month for a year

94.              drink 5 cups of water or tea every day for a month

95.              weigh 210 pounds

96.              write a review of something once a month for six months

97.              learn to take pictures in low light

98.              write three short stories

99.              go to Ottawa

100.          write three essays

101.          take three photos nice enough to frame and hang in my office at work

I'm not sure I have much more to say on this at the moment.  I'm still working on an excel spreadsheet to track my percent complete.  


Lady Rose said...
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Lady Rose said...

your list is a lot more ambitious than my list...

Meg said...

I love it, JC. You really blew me away with this list. Can't wait for a road trip to Winnipeg (did I mention I have oodles of family there with free places to stay?) and a random Albertan adventure.