Monday, December 04, 2006


Tonight I got volunteered for another task on top of a previous task I had been volunteered for the last time CTAC met (name changed to prevent random search hits). These are not brutally difficult tasks or anything, and I don't mind doing them. I guess I just feel like they are a little thankless. Or at least that I won't be getting any thanks for them. Or maybe that I will be thanked but that it will be token. Or something. Maybe I just don't like other humans. Hmmm.

Also, my blog appears all screwed up on my home computer.

Also, I'm rapidly approaching my birthday and it's depressing me up the wazoo.


Lady Rose said...

Well your blog looks fine from here. At least you're not turning (shudder) 40. And I thank you for your contributions.

Meg said...

Hey, at least you still attend the CTAC meetings. I have moderately intense guilt for jumping ship- but know that I was smart to get while the getting was good.

RostockRose said...

Lady Rose pointed out to me that the membership is really dwindling on the organization anyway. Is it something that might die off? And if so, is that likely to happen before the web redesign is necessary?

Meg said...

ooh yeah. I think you're safe.