Friday, September 29, 2006

Supposedly Bright Man Makes Bad Decision (Again)

I had been doing fairly well. My stupidity hadn't cost me too much this year, compared to some previous years (like the classic never-got-around-to-registering-my-liscence-plate year). But wait, I manage to screw my own theatre company out of three or four hundred dollars by not knowing my budget and just saying yes when what I clearly should have said was "how much, again?" followed closely by "maybe some other time, thank-you". Shit. Well, of course I'm not actually going to screw the company out of the money - we don't *have* any money for one - but it means another long run of raising funds to pay off dumb-assedness rather than earning allowance for things I like.

It wouldn't be so distressing if people didn't keep telling me I'm smarter than this.

I'm a university certified dumb-ass.

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